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If you’re shopping for a gardening enthusiast or a greenhouse gardening lover this holiday season, you may find yourself browsing the same old tired gardening accessories that you gave last year. “Did I get the gardening gloves for Aunt Sue last year, or the year before?”, “Can I give Aunt Flo a planter again this year, or will it seem tacky if I get her the same thing three years running?”

This Christmas can be better, with these five hot gardening accessories that are on every gardening enthusiast’s wish list.
1. PotLifter- The PotLifter is a handy device that allows two people to easily and safely pick up large potting pots- up to 200 lbs. and 30 inches in diameter. The PotLifter allows you to move large plants with ease- without killing your back.  Sells for $25 from
2. Garden Bucket Caddy- The Tub Trug (be sure to look for the brand name for the best quality) is an incredibly useful storage gift. Use the 7 gallon capacity to haul leaves, dirt, tools or hold water to wash your car.  It’s sturdy and easy to clean and sells for only $14.95.

3. Portable Kneeling Cushion-  The Garden kneeler/seat is easy to clean, easy to transport, and easy on your knees. Especially for older gardeners, these kneeling cushions can be heaven in the garden.  Sells for $39.95.

4. Comfortable Gardening Seat that pivots as you work. This gardening seat saves your back and your knees, making it comfortable to tend to your garden for hours at a time. Available with an optional padded gardening seat with pockets that keeps everything within easy reach.  Sells for $29.95.
5. Hydrofarm Germination Station with Heat Mat. Every gardener dreams of expanding their horizons and being able to brag, “I grew that one from seed!”. With the Hydrofarm Germination Station, growing all your plants from seed is easy. Sells for $54.95.
Finding hot gardening accessory gifts this year is easy with the wide variety of gardening accessory gifts available from manufacturers this month. Don’t settle for the same old boring gardening gloves, go for something useful, fun, and exciting in the garden instead.

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