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Greenhouse gardening tools are the essential assistants to any greenhouse gardener. These basic  tools can make life easier on the greenhouse gardener or they might serve as a gardener’s right hand- essential gardening tools that are required to complete gardening tasks. Which tools fall into which category, however, is often open to debate.
The Essential Greenhouse Gardening Tools

To get started with a greenhouse gardening hobby, you’ll need a few essentials. Pots, soil, seeds or seedlings, and a greenhouse comprise the essential greenhouse gardening kit.
Pots. Pots come in many sizes and materials. They can be organic peat pots, clay pots, plastic pots, or even recycled coffee cans, 2 –liter soda bottles, or paper cups. Some greenhouse gardeners even prefer to forgo pots altogether and till and plant the ground directly under the greenhouse roof. Others prefer to plant an outdoor garden and use portable greenhouses or cold frames to gain the beneficial effects of greenhouse gardening without the added expense of constructing a full-scale greenhouse.
Soil.  Greenhouse gardening soil can be as simple as sterilized dirt from your backyard baked in your own oven, or as complex as a carefully constructed super-secret formula mixture of compost, vermiculite and potting soil that produces impressive results. Each greenhouse gardener has his or her own personal preference when it comes to selecting a greenhouse gardening soil mixture.
Seeds.  Seeds and seedlings are often the area where a greenhouse gardener’s creativity comes into play. Choosing which seeds, saplings, and seedlings to coax to life is one the most exciting things about greenhouse gardening. A greenhouse gardener can choose to try his or her hand at a tropical variety of plant, or can grow common delicious hothouse tomatoes.
Greenhouse. Selecting a greenhouse can consist of constructing your own cold frame greenhouse, using pop-up portable greenhouses, constructing a lean –to greenhouse, or building a freestanding greenhouse structure to nurture your plants. Choosing a type of greenhouse largely depends on the personal choices of an individual greenhouse gardener and certain determining factors such as budget, available space, zoning restrictions, or carpentry skills.

Putting together the essential greenhouse gardening tools is one of the first tasks of a new greenhouse gardener, but it can also be one of the most enjoyable parts of beginning a greenhouse gardening hobby. Additional greenhouse gardening tools such as irrigation systems, ventilation systems, automated temperature control units, and even a favorite pair of greenhouse gardening gloves can all become a part of your essential greenhouse gardening tool kit if you so choose.

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