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If you’re new to gardening, you should know there a few essential garden supplies that every gardener needs for success. And, the items on the list might surprise you.

Essential Garden Supplies Every Gardener Needs for Success

1. Garbage. Yep, garbage. Technically, you need garbage in the form of a compost pile. Your plants will grow without compost, but they’ll thrive with the addition of a little black gold in the form of your rotted food waste and lawn clippings.
2. Bugs. Yes, some bugs are actually good for your garden! Insects such as Lady Bugs (or Lady Beetles), Green Lacewings, and the Praying Mantis all help keep those harmful bugs out of your garden and away from your very attractive lunch buffet plants. (You can read more about beneficial garden insects from the University of Rhode Island:

3. A Goldilocks attitude toward water. While water is essential for your plants, too much or too little moisture is disastrous. In order to get that ‘just right’ level of hydration, you need regular waterings from a garden hose, sprinkler, or Mother Nature, and good drainage. You can test your soil for too little or too much drainage and adjust the consistency of your garden soil to compensate. Adding a slight grade to your garden will also help drain excessively wet areas, and protect your crops from flooding during a downpour. However, be careful not to increase the grade too much or your plants will wash away with the first drenching rain that comes along.
4. Sunlight. While sunlight is the no-brainer item on this list, it’s important to note that many plants will need protection from the sun at times. Shade cloths, portable greenhouses, and early morning watering can all help keep your plants from frying in the heat and sun.
5. Garden supplies. Okay, so garden supplies can be a little boring, but they are the tools of the trade, and a good quality pair of gardening gloves and a hoe can make your gardening time much more enjoyable. The more enjoyable the activity, the more likely you are to engage in it frequently. It will take more than a few quality hours spent in the garden to ensure your plants grow up healthy, happy and strong. Investing in quality tools is always a wise choice.
These 5 essential garden supplies every gardener needs for success is surely not an all-encompassing list, but it does outline the basics that will send you well on your way to a nice fat green thumb.

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