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Summer is the perfect time to try out one of many fun and affordable greenhouse kits available to today’s gardener. Greenhouse kits come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, styles, and prices. You can find a greenhouse kit to fit nearly any need and budget.

Greenhouse kits are becoming increasing popular, especially among new gardeners, and hobby gardeners. A greenhouse kit can contain everything you need to get started with a new greenhouse gardening hobby, or expand your love of gardening from the backyard to the greenhouse.

Portable Greenhouse Kits
One of the most popular types of greenhouse kits is the portable greenhouse. These sturdy, lightweight structures are generally small in size and easy to set up and tear down. They can be transported from spot to spot in the yard, or set up over an existing backyard garden if necessary.  These greenhouses can be torn down quickly and often collapse into a compact form for easy storage.

Lean-to Greenhouse Kits
Many garden-loving homeowners opt for a lean-to greenhouse kit to help them add a greenhouse room onto an existing structure like the garage, workshop, or back of the home. Lean-To greenhouses also are available in completely enclosed structures so you can set it against a wall or fence without the need to fasten it to your home.  

Traditional Greenhouse Kits
Traditional greenhouse kits come in a variety of sizes and materials. Greenhouse gardeners can choose from traditional glass or lightweight poly materials, and can even choose from a variety of available features and options such as automated ventilation systems, colored frames, shade cloths, and accessory kits.

There are several factors to consider when selecting a greenhouse kit, but the two major factors are space and budget.

Consider the amount of space you have available for a greenhouse kit and look for a kit that fits within your measurements. Next, you’ll need to determine how much your budget allows for purchasing and installing a new greenhouse kit.

Purchasing a new greenhouse kit is a great way to start a greenhouse gardening hobby or expand your love for gardening in an a few easy steps. Greenhouse kits are available to meet the needs and tastes of nearly every greenhouse gardener and purchasing a kit makes greenhouse gardening fun and easy. No matter what your gardening need or level of expertise, there’s a greenhouse kit available to help you fulfill your greenhouse gardening dreams

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