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Selecting the Right Garden Tools for Outdoor Gardening: the Spading Fork

Outdoor garden tools are slightly different from greenhouse gardening tools. When gardening in the open air, you need to prepare your garden in a very different way to protect your plants from the harsh elements.  In order to give your plants the most stable base, you’ll need to prepare the soil for delicate beginning roots by breaking up the packed earth deep enough so your plants can withstand winds and rain. An outdoor gardening tool that makes this task easier is a spading fork.

This smaller version of a pitch fork is used to dig into the soil and loosen the clumps of compact dirt, allowing roots to reach nutrients buried deeply and adding oxygen to the soil. A spading fork’s handle length depends on your height. Try several out in the store to see which one fits you comfortably. If you purchase a spading fork with a too-short or too-long handle, you can always buy a replacement handle or shorten the existing handle if it is wooden.
You will want to select a quality made spading fork that will hold to years of use. Check the welds and fasteners to make sure quality workmanship is present before purchasing any outdoor gardening tools. In addition, you will want to choose a spading fork with a comfortable handle. Many gardeners prefer wooden handled gardening tools for the comfort and durability they provide.

If you would like to opt for a manmade material, be wary of cheaply constructed fiberglass handles that shed small prickly particles of fiberglass as you use the fork. These types of handles can be impossible to work with unless you have very thickly calloused hands or leather work gloves to protect your skin.

The last step in selecting the perfect spading fork is to find one that fits your budget. Quality garden tools are available for inexpensive prices- if you’re willing to shop around. Compare prices online, visit your local garden center to compare quality products, and look for special features that you desire such as a hanging hook, a wooden handle, or a product that’s made in a particular country or by a certain high-value manufacturer.
Selecting the perfect garden tools for your needs can be a lengthy process, but purchasing the perfect spading fork for your next 10 to 20 years of gardening enjoyment is well worth the time investment.

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