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In the world of tankless hot water systems, the gas-fuelled units are thus far the most popular and the most sought after. In certain circumstances, such as homes where the main power source is gas rather than electricity, they may indeed be the most logical choice for the homeowner.

But electric tankless systems also have considerable merits, especially in the long term, and these sometimes don’t get the press they deserve. So before you buy your tankless gas water heater, have a look at some comparisons.

It is also simply more expensive to install and maintain a tankless gas water heater. The venting requirements are quite strict, and will most likely involve some degree of renovation, and the annual maintenance costs can be added as well.

Even the fuel sources, gas versus electricity, are projected to rise at different rates in the future. Gas is expected to become much more expensive, much more quickly than electricity, especially as world gas reserves are used up. An electric water heater is likely to be less expensive over the years than one fueled by gas.

Between the cost of installing a tankless gas water heater and maintaining and fueling it through the years, this type of tankless hot water unit may simply not be an economical choice.

On top of that, there are certainly environmental issues connected with this type of system, from greenhouse gas emissions to the home’s continued reliance on a fossil fuel. It may be time to take a second look at the available electric units, and consider one of them instead.

To read more Heating Water On Demand With A Tankless Gas Water Heater

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