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Adding a little fun and whimsy to your gardening accessories collection is a great way to brighten your gardening time and lighten your mood. Fun garden accessories may not be the first items on your garden shopping list, but a few fun accessories on occasion can make a world of difference in your approach to gardening and your garden environment.
Gardening Accessories Ideas for Fun and Pleasure

1. Garden  Gloves. If you regularly wear gardening gloves, why not add a little smile to your day by purchasing gloves with a fun design. Sponge Bob, Smiling Bumblebees, or brightly colored gloves will do the job just as well as those plain brown gardening gloves. Choose a design that makes you smile.
2. Sun Catchers. Sun catchers are a beautiful addition to any gardening accessories collection, especially in the greenhouse. These brightly colored glass wonders can transform a greenhouse or garden area into an enchanted place of whimsical beauty. Sun catchers are available in various abstract patterns, themes, or characters. Have a love for ladybugs? What about rainbows or fairies? You can find various sun catchers to decorate your gardening space and show off the beauty of the sun in a style that’s all your own.
3. Whirlygigs. Yes, that’s probably not a technical term for those wind-powered novelties, but it sure is fun to say! You can make your own whirlygigs ( ) or purchase ready made ones from a novelty shop. You can even find floor to ceiling models that boast intricate designs crafted from metal and multiple color schemes for your visual pleasure.
4. Outdoor Lighting. One of the best ways to enjoy your garden after the sun goes down is to install accent garden lighting. Solar lights are the ideal gardening accessories when it comes to accent lighting. These inexpensive garden accent lights can be placed around your favorite crops, in a special sitting area inside your garden, or around the border of your greenhouse. Colored accent lighting can also add whimsy and fun to the adventurous gardener’s space.
Adding fun gardening accessories to your gardening shopping list can be an easy and inexpensive way to add joy and whimsy to your outdoor garden or greenhouse garden. If it makes you smile, it’s worth putting in your virtual or physical shopping cart.

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