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Living in northern latitudes can be tough, especially if you’re somebody who enjoys the gentler side of the outdoor life. You may find yourself longing for the flowers and fruits you might enjoy living further south, but even if you work hard on your garden you’ll be able to grow only the hardiest varieties and even then you’ll get to enjoy them for only a few months of each year. Greenhouses for your garden may not seem like much of a solution – you may well have experimented with them before only to find them crushed, glass panes shattered, under the weight of one night’s heavy snowfall. But don’t despair. The advent of new greenhouse types means that it’s now possible to enjoy this type of gardening no matter where you live.

Modern greenhouses for your garden come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some greenhouse types have tall sloping roofs while others have curves which cause snow to slide right off them. Repelling the snow is further assisted by heating your greenhouse, and keeping a greenhouse warm has never been easier. Living in a cold climate, you may find that the new plastic-based greenhouse types are much easier to heat than old fashioned glass models. Some incorporate a single sheet of plastic material which wraps right round them without any of the tiny gaps which can form at the edge of panels and bleed out heat. Plastic of this type is a much better insulator than glass and will enable you to keep your greenhouse plants in good condition without spending a fortune in heating bills.

These inventive modern designs mean than greenhouses for your garden are an option even if you live somewhere where it snows for much of the year. Provided that you dust any remaining snow off your greenhouse regularly to stop it blocking the light, there’s no reason why your plants shouldn’t thrive. So now matter how far north, you are, take heart, You can enjoy your own secret garden hidden away safe from the snow.

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