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You’ve heard of the “on demand” style of inventory, where a company keeps no extra parts in stock but only orders them as they’re needed. Well, the tankless water heater works in exactly the same way.

Rather than following the mode of the traditional tank, where water is heated constantly even if it’s not being used, a tankless hot water system only heats the water right when it’s needed. This prevents energy loss and, coincidentally, also saves money.

Getting a tankless water heater for your home requires some careful preparation, though. Some smaller units may not be able to raise the water temperature high enough if you live in a cold climate, for example, so you’d need to investigate which heaters can do so.

There are considerations like the type of fuel you’re using, whether it’s gas or electricity. Each type has different requirements, for wiring, venting, and so on. Buying a water heater like this should only be done after some very careful homework.

It’s true that a tankless water heater still uses a small amount of energy even when it’s not heating water. It, too, has to be turned on all the time, or at least its sensors do, so it can tell when the water starts moving and it needs to start heating.

But even the standby energy used by these water heaters is very low compared to the energy used to keep water in a tank at a constant temperature. These heaters provide not just efficient energy use and energy savings, but economic savings as well.

To read more Preventing Energy Loss With A Tankless Water Heater

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