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When it comes to selecting greenhouse containers, a greenhouse gardener has many options to choose from. Selecting the perfect greenhouse containers for your greenhouse begins by examining what your container needs are.
Determining Your Greenhouse Container Needs
Before you decide which type of greenhouse container is right for you, you should determine what type of container will best suit your needs. Some questions to help you determine what type of greenhouse containers you need are:

• Are you mainly starting seedlings (and need smaller containers), or will you be growing mostly larger plants or plants that need a deep root system (and need larger pots)?

• Do you prefer to use containers that can be sterilized and reused from season to season, or do you want to purchase disposable pots and starter kits?

• Do you prefer to go all organic and use a peat or coir material container that can be torn up and planted with the crops as they grow into larger containers?

• Would you prefer lightweight plastic containers or heavy-duty clay pots?

• How important is color to you in the greenhouse? Do you want all your containers to be aesthetically pleasing and coordinating with a certain theme or color scheme?

• Is price the biggest determining factor for you in selecting greenhouse containers? If so, you may want to search for inexpensive lightweight plastic containers that are sturdy enough for a few uses, but not intended for years of use.
Once you’ve narrowed down your list of needs and desires pertaining to greenhouse containers, it’s time to go shopping. You may be able to locate the perfect container a reasonable price if you purchase several containers from the same supplier. You can shop at your local gardening center, your favorite online greenhouse gardening store, or stop by a local commercial greenhouse to inquire about used greenhouse containers for sale.
Selecting and purchasing specialty greenhouse containers, such as clay pots with colorful glazes or painted themes, can be a very rewarding experience if you are concerned about the visual appeal of your greenhouse containers. These specialty pots are more expensive than regular containers, but they are most often built to endure many years of use and care.
The best greenhouse containers are the ones that are functional and that meet your expectations for a greenhouse container. Knowing what you are looking for specifically before you hit the stores or online catalogs can help make your greenhouse container purchasing experience a pleasant one.

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