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Useful greenhouse gardening tips for beginners can be hard to come by. Many tips include obvious facts like plants need sunlight, water, and soil to survive. Instead of giving you a first grade science lesson, we thought it would be more practical to give you some greenhouse gardening tips that even a newbie greenhouse gardener can put to use.

Greenhouse Gardening Tips for Beginners

1. You don’t need to purchase a ton of supplies to get started. A few pots, some soil, and some seeds or plants are enough to get you started. You can add more and better supplies later on, after you develop a deeper passion for greenhouse gardening and find your gardening groove. Buying everything at once can actually dampen your enthusiasm, whereas spreading out your purchases can give you something to look forward to and stoke your enthusiasm.

2. Your growing options are unlimited with greenhouse gardening. Want to try out those tropical orchids? Found some interesting genetically altered varieties of vegetables to grow? Go for it! The greenhouse environment makes growing any type of crop possible; that’s part of the excitement of greenhouse gardening!

3. Compost is a greenhouse gardener’s best friend. Compost is like liquid gold when it comes to growing healthy plants, and best of all, it’s free. You can create your own nutrient-rich compost in your backyard from table scraps, newspapers, lawn clippings and other biodegradable materials.

4. Too much water can be a bad thing. While it may seem essential to water your plants once or twice a day, too much water can actually be harmful to your plants. If you are new to container gardening or greenhouse gardening, be sure to use a well-draining soil, and make sure your pots allow excess water to drain away from the plant’s roots. Too much moisture can rot the roots and can actually kill your crops. Watering once a day, or twice a day in smaller amounts is best, and except for in the hottest weather, you can even water every-other day for many types of crops.

Beginning a greenhouse gardening hobby provides hours of enjoyment and is surely a worthy and rewarding endeavor. Investing your time in greenhouse gardening yields bountiful fruits and veggies, beautiful flowers, and a deep satisfaction in knowing that you coaxed a tiny seed to life. A few greenhouse gardening tips for beginners can help you along the way in your quest for a successful greenhouse garden.

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