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Choosing the best greenhouse design for your personality can help you gain more enjoyment from your greenhouse gardening hobby. Your greenhouse should reflect your likes and personality as much as your home does, and this often begins with selecting an appropriate structural design for your greenhouse.
Traditional Glass

A glass greenhouse design reflects a preference for the traditional. While not very practical, these types of greenhouses are often elegant, beautiful to observe, and pricey. They often have elaborate adornments, and can be green, gray, black, or even wooden in some cases. Wrought iron accessories compliment the traditional glass greenhouse well. These greenhouses reflect elegance, calm, and a connection with nature. While they look pretty, glass greenhouses are the least efficient requiring diligence to keep them from over heating in the summer, and they have a higher heat loss in the winter.

Plastic Covered Greenhouses (Polyethylene and Polycarbonate)

Plastic covered greenhouses are composed of new, man-made materials specially constructed to perform well in the greenhouse. The coverings vary in their insulating abilities and light properties so be sure to check out our greenhouse comparison chart for all the details. These greenhouses are built for functionality, quality, and endurance. These are the packhorses of the greenhouse world and are popular choices for all the benefits they offer. These types of greenhouses are well suited for everyone, and can be easily personalized to fit your budget and your personality by selecting frame and shade cloth colors, and accessories.
Lean-to Greenhouses

Lean-to greenhouses are often added onto a home, and can significantly increase the real estate value of a structure. These types of greenhouses may feature cedar siding, stone facades, or even floor to ceiling glass or plastic panels. Lean-to greenhouses often lend a more contemporary feel to a property, and accessories can be selected to reflect any personality type.
These types of greenhouses are commonly seen with a minimalist theme, using accessories sparingly, and hiding common items such as water hoses and utilities well behind coverings and concealing doors. A Zen garden or Asian them is popular with lean-to greenhouses, as is a natural, woodsy theme.

Portable Greenhouses

Portable greenhouses speak of convenience and functionality. They make it easy for gardeners who want to protect their plants, but don’t want to keep a greenhouse up throughout the year. These greenhouses will get you through a light frost or a very mild winter. 

Choosing the best greenhouse design for you is an exciting process. One of the best ways to determine which type is right for you is to set a budget, and then browse pictures of existing greenhouses to see which appeal to you the most.  Be sure the greenhouse style you like also will work well for your greenhouse gardening desires. So read up on the pros and cons of different greenhouse coverings and greenhouse framing types.

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