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Greenhouse ventilation systems can be simple or complex, pricey or free. Choosing the perfect greenhouse ventilation system for your hobby greenhouse is often a matter of personal choice and budget restraints, but going green is always a good idea in the greenhouse.
Going Natural: Greenhouse Ventilation Systems that Use Wind

Wind-powered ventilation systems are by far the most popular types of ventilation systems in non-commercial greenhouses. Natural ventilation is made possible by placing vents in the greenhouse in a strategic, staggered manner to promote circulation of air throughout the greenhouse whenever the wind blows.
Placing vents directly opposite each other only allows for air to pass straight through the greenhouse’s ventilation system. Staggering vents, and adding a Chimney Ventilation system, which allows hot air to rise to the greenhouse’s ceiling, then passes to the outside, creates a vacuum that draws in cooler air from a cold air vent placed near the ground.
Hinged and Louvered greenhouse ventilation systems are also a great way to regulate your greenhouse naturally. Hinged ventilation openings allow air to escape, but prevent large wind gusts from entering the greenhouse and wreaking havoc on your delicate plants and blossoms. Louvered greenhouse ventilation systems allow the greenhouse gardener to manually adjust the width and angle of the openings to allow more or less air into the greenhouse.
Getting a Little Help from Modern Science with Powered Greenhouse Ventilation Systems
Fan greenhouse ventilation systems are also very popular among experienced and larger greenhouse growers. While utilizing electric fans to ventilate your greenhouse can run up an electric bill, there are eco-friendly alternatives that include using a combination of natural ventilation methods, and using fans only during extreme circumstances.
Solar-powered fan systems in the greenhouse are also available for those with a larger initial greenhouse ventilation system budget. Over time, the savings in the cost of electricity will offset the cost of purchasing solar panels, but this lump sum may be difficult to obtain for many greenhouse enthusiasts.

Automatic vents are also a great way to spruce up your nature-powered greenhouse ventilation system. These vents are connected to the thermostat in your greenhouse, and automatically open when the thermostat reaches a preset temperature, allowing your greenhouse to cool down. Once the temperature drops to a predetermined low, the vents close once again, trapping the remaining heat and air in the greenhouse.

Choosing to go green with your greenhouse ventilation system is a great way to save money and improve the overall quality of your greenhouse. No matter which greenhouse ventilation system you opt for, keeping the air flowing in your greenhouse will help keep your crops happy, healthy, and cool.

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