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Entries for August 2010

You prepare the soil, you place the seeds and then cover the seeds with soil, and then water them carefully. After a period of time, depending on the type of seeds you have placed in your garden, you see little seedlings growing out of the ground. You may wonder what happens under the soil, the [...]

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There are several options for finding organic seeds. One option is to buy organic produce from local farmers markets and decide which herbs, fruit and vegetables you would like to grow in your organic garden. Once you have made your decision on the type of growing plants you like in your garden, then you can buy [...]

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Posted in: Trucks
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You may have an organic garden in your yard, but there are a number pests taking advantage of your growing plants. With an organic garden, you do not want to use chemical pesticides, but there are a number of organic pest control options to get rid of pests without chemicals. If your garden is infested with [...]

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